The Six BE's of Holistic Business Coaching
Feb 01, 2024
We welcome in the month of February, which always carries with it the energy of Love. Today, I want to inspire you to love on yourself... and on your real estate business... in more conscious and intentional ways.
To support you in accomplishing that, I'm excited to announce the premier of my Holistic Business Coaching Pillars... the SIX BE's . I've designed these pillars to help you establish and deepen new neurological connections between:
- the mindset, habits and sales processes needed by your business
- the flow of energy within you and around you
Making the Connection
When you "make the connection" between how energy flows... and your habitual ways of working, thinking and BEing within that flow... something magical occurs. You become more cognizant of when you are "in the flow of energy", and when you are "resistant to the flow of energy". This masterful self-awareness makes real transformation possible.
You see... when you present resistant thought, and make decisions and take actions in that space of resistant thought, your life and your business feel heavier and more challenging.
But when you stand committed to living in the space of Flow, you can learn to continually navigate your way back into Flow... and you quickly discover this is where all of your power is, and where all of your most desirable outcomes are both attainable and retainable.
This heightened awareness of "BEing in Flow" begins to weave itself into the fabric of who you are and how you are. Then you can, with ever-increasing frequency, maintain a more conscious and mindful way of BEing. The more you practice this way of BEing, the deeper your integration is... and the greater heights you reach in your personal and professional outcomes.
THE SIX BE'S of Holistic Business Coaching:
Is your BE-ing in alignment with your desired outcomes?
BE Efficient
Staying organized, efficient, disciplined, and self-managed is a way of BE-ing. It takes an intentional shift in consciousness - a decision - to be efficient. It takes practice. It's a back-to-basics skill that has no shelf-life. It opens up space, time and energy within us and around us.
BE Flowing
Flow is fluid. It is without edges. It feels easy, engaging, effortless, and expansive. Stay in the flow of your life, your relationships and your business processes. Smooth out the bumps and find yourself in the fun, ease and exhilaration of pure Flow.
BE Clear
Clarity allows you to craft your business and your life on-purpose, through focus and intention. Be clear about your needs, your desires, your path and your plan. Align your thoughts and actions of today with what you are calling in to your tomorrow.
BE Allowing
Release your resistance and allow yourself to receive. You can take massive action and still not be allowing in the good that is waiting for you. Receiving comes though your open heart. Allow and receive every beautiful thing the Universe has to offer you.
BE Balanced
Understand a deeper meaning of the word Balance. Balance is a feeling of peace and joy that you hold within you, not a compartmentalized allotment of time. Balance is a universal principle. Even breath is balanced - too much out and not enough in does not allow for life to be. Seek energetic balance; pour into others and into yourself in a way that feels fulfilling, equitable and reciprocal.
BE Present
The present moment is where all of your power is. Anchor your dreams into the present moment. Embody them so they are not "out there" but instead, "right here". Live a "sensual life", meaning... live within your five senses. It is here where your breath, and your present moment, can be found.
In both our business and our lives may we all embrace, integrate and embody the SIX BE's. I hope they inspire you to step into your most empowered, authentic self... and help you consciously operate at heightened levels of self-awareness in your business!